11/17/16: Villanova Theatre's Marisol Speaker's Night with Dr. Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández!

IN ONE WEEK (11/17/16): Check out Villanova Theatre's timely, hilarious, and beautifully heartbreaking production of Marisol by José Rivera! Immediately following the 8pm performance, stick around for Speaker's Night with a talk back featuring our very own Dr. Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández! We hope to see you there!

Marisol by José Rivera
Running November 8-20 at Villanova Theatre
Tickets: $21-$25 with discounts for students, alumni, seniors, and industry members.
Tues-Sat performances at 8pm & Sundays at 2pm
Tix/Info: villanovatheatre.org / 610.519.7474


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