
Showing posts from November, 2018

Italian Innovators Podcast - Episode 4: Enzo Ferrari Available Monday, December 3rd!

TODAY (11/29): "NYC in French Literature: A Love and Hate Relationship."

THIS THURSDAY (11/29): Lecture by FFS Guest Speaker: Dr. Stève Puig (Saint John’s University)

Coming 12/3/18: Italian Innovators Podcast - Episode 4: Enzo Ferrari!

TODAY: "The Hair is Full of Snares: How Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli Made you Fall in Love with Italian Women.”

MONDAY: Italian Lecture Series Continues...

"Dive Deeper" into Episode 3 of the Italian Innovators Podcast!

The Italian Fashion and Pursuit of Beauty Lecture Series Continues in ONE WEEK!

Episode 3 of the Italian Innovators Podcast is here!

The Italian Fashion and the Pursuit of Beauty Series Continues in Two Weeks!

Thank you for Joining Us for Dia de los Muertos!