Upcoming Hispanic Heritage Events...

Thursday, September 29
Book presentation: “Del Internet a las calles: #YoSoy132, una opción alternativa de hacer política” (in English). Edited by Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández, Villanova University. Comments by the editor and Aurelia Gómez Unamuno (Haverford College).
SAC 300

The manuscript explores the connections between traditional activism and cyberactivism, in the case of #YoSoy132, a student movement that emerged in Mexico in the context of the presidential campaign of 2012.

Monday, October 3
Film screening: “Ayotzinapa: Chronicle of a State Crime”
by Xavier Robles
Driscoll Hall 132
The documentary depicts the criminal complicity of the police and military authorities in the enforced disappearance of 43 students in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico.  


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