
Showing posts from 2018

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Good luck on Finals!!!

Need help preparing for final exams and papers?

Italian Innovators Podcast Episode 4: Enzo Ferrari - AVAILABLE NOW!

Italian Innovators Podcast - Episode 4: Enzo Ferrari Available Monday, December 3rd!

TODAY (11/29): "NYC in French Literature: A Love and Hate Relationship."

THIS THURSDAY (11/29): Lecture by FFS Guest Speaker: Dr. Stève Puig (Saint John’s University)

Coming 12/3/18: Italian Innovators Podcast - Episode 4: Enzo Ferrari!

TODAY: "The Hair is Full of Snares: How Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli Made you Fall in Love with Italian Women.”

MONDAY: Italian Lecture Series Continues...

"Dive Deeper" into Episode 3 of the Italian Innovators Podcast!

The Italian Fashion and Pursuit of Beauty Lecture Series Continues in ONE WEEK!

Episode 3 of the Italian Innovators Podcast is here!

The Italian Fashion and the Pursuit of Beauty Series Continues in Two Weeks!

Thank you for Joining Us for Dia de los Muertos!

Dia de los Muertos Display!

Día de los Muertos Display TOMORROW (11/1)!

Remember to Vote November 6th!

TOMORROW (11/1/18): Learn More About the Proposed Immigration Regulations!

Happy Halloween!

Thank you for attending The Art of Objects book presentation!

TODAY (10/29/18): The Art of Objects Book Presentation and Live Stream!

Spanish, French and Italian Tutoring Services!

11/1/18: Learn More About the Proposed Immigration Regulations

10/29/18: "The Art of Objects" Book Presentation

Latin American Studies Program Open House Celebration is TODAY (10/25)

11/1/18: Día de Muertos Display

TODAY: Chile Info Session & Pizza Party!

Letters for Jessie

Study Abroad in Lille, France!

10/24/18: Study Abroad in Chile! Information Session & PIZZA PARTY

10/25/18: Latin American Studies Open House Celebration

10/29/18: The Art of Objects Book Presentation

Italian Innovators: About the Podcast

Italian Innovators Podcast: "Dive Deeper" into Episode 2: Enrico Caruso & Giulio Ricordi

Thank You for Attending the Mexico 1968 Event!