Dr. Mercedes Juliá was second reader in the Ph. D. Dissertation of Estefanía Tocado Orviz, former Graduate Student in the Hispanic Studies Graduate Program at Villanova University. Dr. Juliá participated in Estefanía Tocado´s Doctoral Thesis Defense titled “Metaficción historiográfica: Memoria e identidad en la narrativa textual y fílmica española y británica posmoderna.” The defense took place on April 28th at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. We would like to extend our Heartfelt Congratulations to Dr. Estefanía Tocado for her achievements. She will be Assistant Professor next academic year at Bucknell University.
Dr. Mercedes Juliá has been invited to participate in the Course “Juan Ramón Jiménez y América; viajes y exilios” organized by the International University of Andalucía and the Juan Ramón Jiménez Endowment. The event will take place during July 24-26 in La Rábida, Huelva. Dr. Juliá will lecture on “El destino errante de Juan Ramón Jiménez” (Juan Ramón Jiménez and his Uncertain Destiny).
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